Thoughtless Acts: A Seat on the Street
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Thoughtless Acts: A Seat on the Street

Thoughtless Acts: A Seat on the Street. The intuitive ways we adapt and react to things in our environments
Nazlican Goksu
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Human-centered design requires us to observe human behavior with beginner's eyes, so that we can spot the innate ways people interact with the world around them. We call these intuitive and unconscious reactions Thoughtless Acts, and IDEO designers collect photos of them to inspire their work.

I took this picture last summer while I was back home in Istanbul. Istanbul is a city that people mold to fit their needs. Market owners, residents, even kids always find ways to reimagine the streets. Sometimes it’s a group of kids turning a cul-de-sac into a football field. Sometimes it’s the residents of the neighborhood having tea on the stairs of a building, treating the street as a café.

Growing up in there made me look at sidewalks in a completely different way. Last summer, while I was wandering around my neighborhood, I noticed this amazing piece of furniture that our neighborhood market owner made. He put a pillow on top of the water containers and turned them into a bench. It’s a perfect temporary seating arrangement.

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Nazlican Goksu
Design Director
Nazlican helps organizations evolve to become human-centered and responsible through strategy and design. With a background in design research and industrial design, Nazlican brings expertise in leading multidisciplinary teams to create new sustainable ventures, products, and services.
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