Redesigning Death
Helping people live fully right up to the end
Help Zen Hospice Project show its expression of positive end-of-life experiences.
A digital campaign labeled #designabetterending and early renderings for a new palliative care facility.
After losing both legs below the knee and half of one arm in an accident, Dr. BJ Miller knows what it feels like to be near death. But after recovering, Miller became a doctor, joined the faculty of UCSF, and is now leading a conversation about patient-centered care and redesigning the experience of how we die. But such systemic change will require pioneering thinking, as our healthcare system, designed to cure, not caretake for the long term, prepares for an exploding elderly and chronically ill population.
Together with IDEO, Dr. Miller and Zen Hospice Project are bringing design to a broken system in hopes of helping people live fully right up until the end. Miller was invited to TED in March, 2015 to deliver the closing talk. In concert, IDEO designed a landing page and call to action to support Zen Hospice Project’s mission, flagging the campaign with the hashtag #designabetterending.
Early renderings for a new palliative care facility that would enliven end-of-life care with rich, engaging experiences are also in the works. Read more about the collaboration in California Sunday Magazine and join the movement to help us design a better ending.

After losing both legs below the knee and half of one arm in an accident, Dr. BJ Miller knows what it feels like to be near death. But after recovering, Miller became a doctor, joined the faculty of UCSF, and is now leading a conversation about patient-centered care and redesigning the experience of how we die. But such systemic change will require pioneering thinking, as our healthcare system, designed to cure, not caretake for the long term, prepares for an exploding elderly and chronically ill population.
Together with IDEO, Dr. Miller and Zen Hospice Project are bringing design to a broken system in hopes of helping people live fully right up until the end. Miller was invited to TED in March, 2015 to deliver the closing talk. In concert, IDEO designed a landing page and call to action to support Zen Hospice Project’s mission, flagging the campaign with the hashtag #designabetterending.
Early renderings for a new palliative care facility that would enliven end-of-life care with rich, engaging experiences are also in the works. Read more about the collaboration in California Sunday Magazine and join the movement to help us design a better ending.