IDEO & SF Climate Week

The “edge effect.” In nature, it describes how species are able to interact and thrive in the spaces where two ecosystems come together. In design, new ideas thrive in the intersections between different disciplines.

Climate and design has always been a core intersection for IDEO. From projects developing conservation strategies to renewable energy ventures, we’ve experienced how the edge effect can bring unexpected solutions to urgent problems. In the recent conversations we hosted for SF Climate Week, IDEO experts and climate leaders explored how the worlds of money, play, emotion, AI, and biodiversity intersect, and how those edges are ripe for climate innovation.

Discover some of the highlights from our talks

Eva Mejia

Michelle Lee

Sustainability doesn’t need to be a burden. Kids can look at what appears to be an inconvenience and reframe it as a feature. Puddles become the most incredible splash zones!

Watch below to learn more ⬇️

Jenna Fizel

John Won

At the edge of climate and money, financial products like insurance and even monetary systems are breaking. But we can design new types of financial products that work for people and businesses, as well as regenerative systems that center frontline communities fighting climate change.

Watch below to learn more ⬇️

All of the innovation that we see is geared towards how to increase that bottom line. The work that we try to do is to be part of that reorientation towards meaningful individual and community empowerment.

Angelo Kalaw
Savannah Kunovsky

Savannah Kunovsky

The future is there to be designed. And we have the opportunity to build one that we’re excited about – and especially at the edge between technology and climate.

Watch below to learn more ⬇️

Savannah Kunovsky

Natalia Vasquez

We’re striving toward futures where nature and biodiversity thrive. To get there, we need to birth new regenerative offers, build systems with folks who actually steward lands, and tell stories that can help people connect to what’s possible.

Watch below to learn more ⬇️

We firmly believe that we do more than coexist—we can shape a future that has more abundance for everything, human and not.

Tom Quigley
Co-Founder and Managing Director, superorganism
Savannah Kunovsky

Nazlican Goksu

Real climate action requires tapping into base emotions that drive us: lust, greed, and laziness. Whether we like it or not, they drive us,  and when we acknowledge their strength, we can use them for good.

Watch below to learn more ⬇️

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