I host a creative podcast

Coe Leta Stafford
Partner & Managing Director, IDEO U
i Joined IDEO in
What you won’t learn from my bio
I’m a passionate maker and have multiple projects underway every week in ceramics, home DIY, 3-D printing, media design, sewing, woodworking, or graphic arts. I always have pocket-tools and art supplies with me.
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I am a creative executive with more than 20 years of experience leading innovation teams in the design and launch of human-centered products, services, and systems. I’ve worked across a range of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, government, non-profits, and startups.

As a founding member of IDEO U–our on-line learning platform–I also teach global audiences the skills of human-centered design and leadership. Since its launch in 2015, IDEO U has reached over 100,000 learners worldwide, helping people lead, innovate, and work in more human-centered ways.

My superpower is stakeholder engagement and facilitation

This includes designing and leading collaborative co-design or strategic activities with diverse groups of people.

I host the Creative Confidence podcast and my design work has won several international awards and patents for clients and has been featured in the New York Times and Wired. I have a Ph.D. in Education from U.C. Berkeley and strive to bring joy, collaboration, play, and learning into all I do at IDEO.

Some of my work

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